What do you call yours? #mycampervaniscalled LOVE!

A few weeks ago I (with the help of my friends at the Caravan and Motorhome Club) asked the good people of Twitter and Instagram to tell me what they call their camper vans. Here are the results! There are so many great names - and so many different names - and it proves to me that you lot really are a funny, creative, soulful and joyful bunch. Thank you!

I will announce the winner in the next day or so. But please do comment and share.

One thing that’s clear in all this is that camper owners LOVE their vans. Whether it’s the number plate that spells Rosbif (handy for breaking the ice on French campsites) or a name that tells you a little about shocking MPG (Juicy Lucy), it seems that every camper needs a name that has a story, a name that tells you how it rolls, a name that celebrate its quirks and foibles or a name that tells you how it feels to drive.

If you don't want to read the full list here's the top line...

Of the 200 owners who told me their van’s names, 16 of them called it after someone who they wanted to remember, had left them the money to buy the van or was special in their lives. Many of them said they wanted the dear departed to be able to stay with them on their travels.

14 people gave their vans names including ‘van’ in them. My favourite? Victor Van Doom, “because it breaks down quicker than one of Katie Price’s relationships.” Also along for the ride were the very brilliant Frank-en-van, Vanny-de-Vito, Van Morrison, Nelson Van Dela and Dick Van Dyke.

You crazy fools.... some of you let the kids decide the name. We had a Rodney, a Daisy Diesel Ten The Bat Van, The Dampervan or Beep Beep (because the horn got stuck on) or even Pam because our 2 year old fell in love with her, but his speech wasn’t the best and he used to call her Pamper Pam.

Music is vital for any road trip. Bang on the tunes and slip the old girl into gear…. So it’s inevitable that we should end up with van names based on songs and musicians. As usual the van community does something witty with it: Van Morisson, Ludwig (Camper Van Beethoven), Lola (‘cos she looks like a girl but underneath is all man), Billy (Holiday) and Betty (‘cos the engine went BAM-a-lam).

Ask anyone what a camper van means to them and they will tell you it’s all about happy times and escape. So why not give it a name that makes you feel great? Lots of people did, with lovely names like The Happy Bus, Summer, Wanda, El Nido (Spanish – The Nest) and Florence (Go with the Flo).

Van owners, it seems, also like to name their vans after their most prominent features or characteristics. Rusty, Rosy, Piglet or Dotty might tell you how it looks, but how does it feel to ride in it? Iceberg or Frosty might tell you something about the experience of ownership!

Some people call their vans after special places, places where they came from or even the first place they break down. Included in our list were Skippy (Australia), Syd (Sydney), Harlyn (Cornwall), Widdy (widemouth Bay) and Russel (Russel Bay, NZ) and the very fabulous Roxy Hourtin De Grionde.


·         RUSTY @turngraham

·         #mycampervaniscalled When found my little GMC had a gypsy feel. That made me think of the Fleetwood Mac classic and naturally Stevie Nicks. Ironically once I realize she was an 82’ and searched the song release date of 82’ it was a done deal. Stevie it was, Stevie it is @civilsoul2

·         #mycampervaniscalled Peggy. It's because it was my Nan's name and we wanted to make sure that she could still came with us where ever we travelled to @lou_craig75

·         #mycampervaniscalled major Tom because he's a moonraker and that of course made me think of 'ground control to major tom' instead of anything James bond related!! He's a t25 and awesome! @weareSCIP

·         #mycampervaniscalled Um because it's a Mazda Bongo! Get it? @coral_setee

·         #mycampervaniscalled victor van doom, because it breaks down quicker than one of Katie prices relationships. @munky136

·         #mycampervaniscalled Velma, complete with nodding Velma on the dash! Named as she was totally green like the Scooby Doo van when we first got her @camperalitwee

·         #mycampervaniscalled "Bitsy" because that's what it was when I bought it in bits, now fully restored over 5 years should I rename it? @knoydartfan

·         My campervan is called "Clarence". It was my Grandfather's middle name. I bought Clarence a few days ago. Off to Switzerland in him on Tuesday. Yikes! #mycampervaniscalled @M25roundabout

·         #mycampervaniscalled van Helsing because it fights vampires, and when you're travelling, who knows what's out there? @ourvanhelsing2018 @helsingskitchen

·         Ours is called "Marjorie PeeWee the Fourteenth" (reg no MJ14 PWE) she's very regal you see. youtube.com/watch?v=tdN1ex… #mycampervaniscalled #vanlife @sarkajo

·         Our #Camper is called #Geoff, I’d chosen be name before I got him and then had to look for a Geoff, because my friends always said Geoff would be one of the lads and it stuck. (He was renamed from Daisy when I finally found my Geoff) #mycampervaniscalled #vanlife #taketheslowroad @tom_r_p

·         I call my camper van 'Imaginary' for obvious reasons #mycampervaniscalled @janebrocklebank

·         #mycampervaniscalled #my1stcampervan Our camper is named Summer but she goes out all year long. We love her to bits and have so far enjoyed our #vanlife pic taken when we went to Bude this yr @geekinblazer

·         Mine is Vanny DeVito. Coz you know, he’s a van and he’s a Vito. Here he is in the Lake District this summer. #vanlife #mycampervaniscalled @alexschillemore

·         #mycampervaniscalled when I got my first camper I called it scooby because taking it home it beat a Subaru off the lights !!!! @chris_the_panda

·         Our T2 came as Nutty but we changed it to Peanut because it has KP in the number plate. #mycampervaniscalled #norfolktocornwallislongerinavan @CarlosDurban

·         Ours is called Magnus Von Campersson because it was a Viking conversion #mycampervaniscalled @crazy4ker

·         #mycampervaniscalled WANDA .. because that is what I intend to do just recently got her and after sex change and name change she is ready @12bbytheseaside

·         #mycampervaniscalled Dick Van Dyke because my lovely friend Richard left me some money in his will to buy it. @helenpeyton

·         Almost certainly not the best story but #mycampervaniscalled Matilda because the first two letters of the reg are MT @thejaydoubleyou

·         Mine is called Meryl because of her big forehead #mycampervaniscalled #vanlife @thenuggett

·         #mycampervaniscalled Rodney named by our daughter who was 3 at the time no idea why she came up with that @ecosavvyvic

·         Perhaps not really a campervan (more small motorhome) but this is 'Jake' (he's a Jayco), or sometimes 'Jacques' (he's a Renault) who took us to beaches, wineries, deserts, forests, a wedding & more wineries in Western Australia this year. G'day Jacques! #mycampervaniscalled @martinpspencer

·         Mine is called the EdVan cos my bloody Dub dog Ed has taken it over :-). #mycampervaniscalled @emjaykays

·         Clarabel. My Gran left some cash.. rather than be sensible I got a T2 instead.Her name was Olive Clarabel and loved walking and exploring. Olive wouldn’t work for a yellow van and everyone asks why Clarabel and I get to tell them about my Gran and her life #mycampervaniscalled @neilrk1

·         Our camper is also called Dave. He was a bit rough round the edges when we first got him. It just felt right. My 3 year old daughter now thinks all campers are called Dave. #mycampervaniscalled @missVDub

·         #mycampervaniscalled Rocky - because of it's rockstar creds ... only 2 of these ever came into the UK, and @JamiroquaiHQ has the other one. #roundukwithawhiteboard @micfitzgerald

·         My van used to have a fluffy cute name as is the fashion but after 5 hours waiting for the RAC to get to Llangollen I renamed him Jean Claude (Damme Van). Touch wood he's been alright since #sortof #mycampervaniscalled @funkybackpack

·         We’ve had four campers in our life: Ludwig Camper Van Beethoven after the band Bendigeidfan - a play on the Mabinogion & blessed van Nelson Van Dela - imported from South Africa And now Indy (already named imported from Indonesia) & for us IndiVana Jones thanks to @nicdafis @judealdridge

·         Hi Martin, #mycampervaniscalled Bertie because we had to give him a piercing to attach the spare tyre. Prince Albert - Bertie! @kimDbarrett

·         #mycampervaniscalled the Blue Bus because it is our third blue campervan & a French campsite owner once said 'You must be the people in the Blue Bus!'
·         @CAKubicki

·         I'm not sure this is a winner but...my van is called Lola as her 2 litre engine means she talks like a man but her pretty flowers, paintwork and interior means she definitely walks like a woman #mycampervaniscalled @lolatheVWcamper

·         Ours is nameless, nothing seems to stick. We’ve seen many named campers here in NZ tho like What’saname, Run ‘n Away, R&R, Push Play, Idle Ours, Rehab, Makin’ Tracks, Are We There Yet and of course Living the Dream! #mycampervaniscalled @sandalsNZ

·         This is Syd....he came from Sydney Australia! #mycampervaniscalled
·         @artbyclare

·         Ours is called Ruby because she’s red. Not a story at all but t’other half proposed to me in her roof and we’ve done plenty of miles around the country with laughs and tears (when I fell out the roof in my sleep!) #mycampervaniscalled @clarejonno

·         #mycampervaniscalled Phileas..... takes us 80 days to get there @vwskytiger

·         #mycampervaniscalled Ella, ‘cos she costs an ‘ellava lot of money.. @cotter_pin

·         Our van is called Perdie after one of the Dalmatians in '101 Dalmations', because when we bought her she was white with lots of (rust) spots. #mycampervaniscalled @groundhugger13

·         #mycampervaniscalled Sybil in honour of my late mum, to have a T2 was always a dream of mine & my mum enabled me to realise that dream @jezzasurf

·         Bright orange #mycampervaniscalled Ted...Teddy bear kinda cozy! @rosieanne65

·         #mycampervaniscalled Trevor (because it makes me laugh) he got his full name, Trevor Bast’ard when I was restoring him (no experience, fewer tools) and he kept putting me in casualty! We have a much healthier relationship now but the name stays :) @chickpeajones

·         #mycampervaniscalled 'Hilda' after a secondhand work van my husband bought with removed sign writing on the door- 'Hilda' could still be seen if the light caught it. So, when we rescued our T25... @bypriorarrange

·         #mycampervaniscalled Alani (that’s her appearing on TV with @jamieoliver... ). In 2012 we took the leap to #taketheslowroad more often, and life had never been the same! @Ianbeattie

·         It was named by the youngest of my two children Amy Jane who is 8. #mycampervaniscalled @northernsoul03

·         Hi Martin. My van is called Pam. When we bought it 4 years ago my then 2 year old fell in love with it but his speech wasn’t the best and he used to call it a Pamper Pam. So Pam it was. # #mycampervaniscalled @cosmicflood

·         Easy..#mycampervaniscalled the Berniebus! As you can see our Boston Terrier loves campervan trips!! #vanlife #Berniedog #cosycamper @sunforsarah

·         We called our last one Michelle cos she was a Fifer #mycampervaniscalled @highlandbirdie

·         #mycampervaniscalled Dottie. My great aunt Dorothy left me some money in her will. I sold my car and bought my T4, Dottie (short version of Dorothy) in memory of her and my great uncle who used to restore cars/motorbikes. I hope they'd both approve @vw_gtonic

·         #mycampervaniscalled ‘Ruben’ because he’s Ruby red, and we had a dog called Ruby,who passed away. So it’s also a little way of keeping her with us. He’s just done best part of 3k miles round Europe & we are v proud of him! He’s on instagram & Twitter @Flatcaptours @johnmidgley

·         My bay was called bollyknickers (tv's ashes to ashes) it was a champagne edition. My t5 is called MAISIE cos the number plate starts MA1 and has a Z in it... #mycampervaniscalled @rickyroo1

·         #mycampervaniscalled Mo... it’s 12 reg, Olympic Blue, we said we call it Mo if @Mo_Farah did the double double in 2016, (we’d just bought our van). He did, so we did! Is it cheating if Mo is a Kombi with aspiration (will convert when kids leave home!)? He goes camping a lot... @juindevon

·         #mycampervaniscalled Olga. Our German Fauline. @tuftyduck74

·         Ours is called 'El Nido' - Spanish for 'The Nest', as it's our safe nest when travelling. Then we moved to Anglesey and called our final home 'Y Nyth" - meaning.....guess what!? #mycampervaniscalled @paul_jackson

·         #mycampervaniscalled Chester... because on our first big camping expedition to Anglesey ,he blew an oil pressure switch just outside Chester...we limped home but still got to camp at a beautiful site , just 2miles from home and had one of the best weekends away ever.. @pocolow

·         #mycampervaniscalled Hercules. The name was left over from a kitten we wanted to adopt, but someone else got in there first! @campervanthings

·         #mycampervaniscalled Prince. As I was filling in the logbook in the seller's kitchen, the news broke on his TV that Prince had died. Seemed fitting as I am a fan. @tony_binks

·         #mycampervaniscalled Daisy diesel ten the bat van Because my 8yr old decided it was!! @adriantill

·         #myvaniscalled Vera when I was travelling back after buying her we were fiddling with the radio and discussing what we would call her and it was the radio crackled into life and stated that Vera Duckworth has died ! So Vera she had to be X a friend knitted me a Vera mascot
·         @duchessnaturals

·         #mycanpervaniscalled Snowy simply because when we put his overnight cover on he looks like a lovely wee sleeping owl
·         @caleyjen50

·         Ours is called bob as it only bobs along @VAGththemanor

·         I haven’t got my van yet but I shall be getting her as soon as I receive the legacy Mum left me (she died recently). She’ll be called Betty, after my Mum @opheliaknee

·         #zelittletank. Because it comes from Germany, and I like taking people for a ride in it! @westy_nl

·         Ours is called ' The Happy Van' Its a red T4 Caravelle conversion. We called it that as it made my husband very happy when he bought it! He had been hankering after one for a few years. We love it and it does make us all happy @katie_64

·         Mine is Vanny DeVito. Coz you know, he’s a van and he’s a Vito. Here he is in the Lake District this summer. #vanlife #mycampervaniscalled @alexschillemore

·         Our T2 was called Bottom because the reg number ended BTM @osiimalnwick

·         Not very original but my kids nicknamed ours the ‘dampervan’ as every time we went out in it rained..... @msmarksteel

·         Well our motor home has to be 'Harlyn' after our favourite place in Cornwall. Oh, and the amount of glasses 'borrowed' from the local @keldavey

·         We called our T2 Seymour because we got to see more.. And then we named our T4 Woody because I had to replace all the rotten wood within the walls, roof and.. well everywhere! @vwcamperfun

·         Ours is called Bernie @leonbolt

·         We called ours El Nido, We call him Nido for short. It means The Nest in Spanish, because that's exactly what he is when we're away, our little nest @cathy_bug

·         Ours is called the 'Tampervan' as it spent the first 3 years of its life delivering tampons to pub vending machine @rhosneigergaz

·         Our Mazda Bongo family camper is called Billy, for years I thought it was Billy Bongo simply as it rhymed but in France this summer my wife and kids told me it was Billy Holiday! I didn’t know! @tillcoastclear

·         We used to own a Mazda Bongo, we called it Frosty. It was the only white colour based name we could agree on! @makecampuk

·         Bugs short for The Ladybug! @purplebez

·         Ours was called "Skippy" because it had been imported from Australia. @cllrjduffin

·         Called mine Queenie after the Chuck Berry song 'Little Queenie' shuffled through on my iPod. @tafferoo76

·         Dolly - just because I love it @simply_marcia

·         Our 1st was called "little Mae" and our 2nd "bluebell". We then got a caravan and named her "ellie" @cathygoodwin159

·         First campervan was called Florence. "Go with the Flo" @gentleman_punk

·         #mycamperiscalled Lil' Van. He's a 2002 T4 that spent many years as a builders van before being saved and converted into a campervan by us. He was very sluggish when we first got him and would struggle on hills (and some flats!!). We'd quite often tap the dash or steering wheel and say "come on Lil' Van" and from that the name stuck. He still has problems but he's our home away from home and we love him! 😊😊 #lilvanthet4campervan #vanlife @snowandwakeboarder

·         Esmerelda after my fave Ben Howard track @vanbourne_adventures

·         Morrison...................... Van Morrison. @justfocusphoto

·         Our is called Gino de camper :-) @the_beach_hut

·         linda_eco_design Billy Boxer... its a brand thing...

·         cakeyshakesVantoine ️ (in the spirit of Eurotrash host de Caunes). He replaces Vangela (Merkel) who was written off earlier this year 😒 T6 and T5 respectively.

·         gnarlybeachcleanerMy 2000 Toyota Camry is the Sandman Cruiser. I ride waves all the way to the sand, making me the Sandman 🏄🏽😎!! It is also called the GBC Mobile 🤪🤙🏽. Thanks for always keeping me stoked, dude

·         rodgies#mycamperiscalled 'ol' widdie' 05 trafic self converted and named after my favourite place, Widemouth Bay. Im sure you know the place well, just down the road from bude eh?

·         artistdanniMines called 'Tubbs'... (She's all wrong inside) ...great seeing you at the weekend!

·         samanthajd1053We have his and hers .... his is a t2 bay called Martha and mine is a t5 (under construction) called Elsie 

·         yellow_vw_bus_#mycamperiscalled Albert. The name was passed from previous owner to me, and it was his wish that the name stuck. A gentleman's handshake took place and Albert remained Albert.
·         timhayne01#mycamperiscalled Seems to be a great trend of vans with blokes’ names! Ours is Russell...named after Russell, Bay of Islands, 🇳🇿 Spent a sunny New Year’s there when the kids were young & we were on a road trip in a hired white box of s campervan...promised ourselves if we ever got a ‘proper’ van, it’d be Russell. Here’s to him, our T2 Moonraker😊

·         amandalouise68In my head mine’s called One Day.....because one day I will get one. An orange Bay just like my parents had when I was a little girl in the 70’s 🧡

·         mo_t5_adventuresMy T5 is called Mo as that’s the last 2 digits of its number plate. #mycamperiscalled
·         kicking_horse101My T5 is Dubula, it's black and if I've been on wine I don't see daylight #mycamperiscalled

·         seakisses.co.ukShe’s called Stella - because we found it written in orange nail varnish on the radiator! She is orange after all.

·         dustnchemicalsBetty. She’s black and the engine keeps going bam (alam).

·         heathercrow1#mycamperiscalled Our T4 is called Scoobs, she’s green and reminded us of the Mystery Machine, it was the closest name to ScoobyDoo that sounded like a funky girls name 😂

·         ksamonkey#mycamperiscalled Named my blackberry vw Purple Pearl after the Black Pearl in pirates of the Caribbean as my dogs called (Captain) Jack Sparrow It is his van - I just sail him around 😊

·         j0hnyc0llins#mycamperiscalled Billy- named after my grandad and bought with inheritance for all the family to use and go out and adventure.

·         nickymcclureYears ago we met you at the Wimborne Food Festival (my then 6 year old helped you cook mackerel in your van !) and it stuck in my head about naming your van after the first place you break down. That happened on a scorching Saturday afternoon of a national holiday long weekend in France (mechanics who wanted to work : zero). We were stuck in a beautiful village square and caught up in a full on 1920’s themed wedding - flapper dresses, spats on shoes, Tommy guns, vintage cars, cigars, the works. It was epic and some French couple have two very grubby children in their wedding photos. Anyway, as a result, Roxy the van became the very grand Roxy Hourtin de Gironde after the town we were in.

·         fromemaid#mycamperiscalled Bob. Because instead of getting married with all the usual spending we got married at Bristol registry office ( the City we met in) with our son as ring bearer ( second hand wedding rings) and our two friends who introduced us as witnesses . My whole outfit was second hand from eBay and my flowers were from my Dad’s old patch near where I grew up in Cornwall. We spent our money/ loan(!) on our van instead. Our son, then 4, named him Bob. We liked to think, because we saved a few Bob, but know it was more random than that!

·         birdonthemoonOh what fun reading all the comments! My little van is called “Beachin’ Buttercup” because she’s a lovely buttercup yellow, we love to hang out at all the beaches here on the Sunshine Coast (& doing a little #2minutebeachclean while there) together with our furry sidekick Maysea 💛 #mycamperiscalled #beachinbuttercup

·         driftwoodlifeLWB T5 callee %blackreef after the shark 🦈 love the ocean and so do the kids. She’s totally up cycled in her conversion! Every van we have had has had the colour and a shark/whale name! Hubbys van is #BullShark- very appropriate given some drivers! Last one was #greatwhite and the one before was #bigblue 💚

·         ju_in_devon@mo_t5_adventures mines called Mo as well! For a different reason...

·         ju_in_devon#mycampervaniscalled Mo... it’s 12 reg, Olympic Blue, we said we call it Mo if @Mo_Farah did the double double in 2016, (we’d just bought our van). He did, so we did!
Is it cheating if Mo is a Kombi with aspiration (will convert when kids leave home!)? He goes camping a lot...

·         birdie_photobooth#mycamperiscalled BIRDIE because she had chickens laying eggs in her engine bay when we found her in the barn. She hadn’t been used for around 20 years and was rotten from the floor up :( poor thing! But now she’s rockin’ events all over the country :) Woooo!

·         miss_muju#mycamperiscalled Fred (Freddie to his close friends) because that’s always been his name.
He came from the VW factory to Penzance 50 years ago, where his 1st owner named him Fred. He has always lived in cornwall, & the previous 3 owners have passed the name on with him.
I don’t think he’d answer to any other name 🚌🧡

·         blackberrybelle75#mycamperiscalled Kayleigh because I'm a huge nerd and it's the name of the mechanic on a spaceship #Firefly #Serenity I figured naming a 33 year old camper after an ace mechanic would be a smart move 😁

·         mushburgersOur beloved T4 is called Heatwave. It’s named after our Son’s favourite Transformer character because the first day he saw it and we ‘transformed’ the seat into a rock ‘n’ roll bed it blew his mind. To an excitable 2 year old it was just like a Transformer and so he got naming rights and we’ve had many family adventures since in our Transforming van. Cheers 🚐🤙

·         ollybusWe’ve had Blue Betty, named after a trail in Scotland. A T4 called Silver machine after the hawkwind song and Big Red our old firebus

·         littlegullsI wish it was a wonderful story - but the reason our amazing Ford Freda (a rebadged Mazda Bongo) is called ‘Freda’ is because that’s what it says on her bum. If only naming children was so simple

·         kemaro80@martindorey #mycamperiscalled ... Jean-Claude Van-Camper or JC for short , he's small & strong & I'm a fan of Jean Claude Van damme .. 😬😁 check him out #jeanclaudevancamper 🚐

·         philh123My T4 camper is called Carrie 🙃

·         saltystan1Betty because she is a Ford and it's my personal Rehab 😉

·         ginnythepigClarence after the e street big man! #mycamperiscalled named by my 7yr old son who is a huge Springsteen fan!

·         thehappypirateStill saving up to buy a camper and when that happy day comes we will name her Floss inspired by the mother in law’s candy floss hair. #mycamperiscalled

·         drmarjwilson#mycamperiscalled Mr Derek Rosbif, or Degsy. We love him. His reg plate gives us the Rosbif, and it helps break the ice at French camp sites 😂😊

·         hippyhelenMy bus is called Geoffrey - can you guess why? https://instagram.com/p/Bn1DP6ThN_t/ The most sentimental one to me though was my little vintage Eriba Puck (I know - not a VW bus but she was towed by our bay!) She was called Peggy Puck after my Grandma as she loved to spend her summers in her caravan 💕 (broke my heart 💔 to sell her a few months ago 😢)

·         swooper666#mycamperiscalled Big Blue Bertha....She's a big longnose LWB T4 and she is Blue

·         lifeformsart#mycampervaniscalled juicy Lucy named by our then 4 year old because of the amount of petrol stops we made! Sadly she is no more 😭 A replacement is definitely on the bucket list!

·         clacksie71#mycampervaniscalled Prudence after one of my fave Beatles song ‘Dear Prudence’

·         deonpt#mycampervaniscalled Zippy. As out of the 3 campers in our extended family it was the fastest, and zipped past the others, so the kids named him Zippy. 😍🤘🏽

·         angharadsanders#mycamperiscalled Margaret after my mum. The number plate features the letters GAL which is my dad’s lifelong pet name for my mum. As soon as we saw the number plate we knew she would be ours. (And because of this my beetle is called Beryl after my mum’s sister) xx

·         vanlifetraveladventures#mycamperiscalled Klaus! We bought Klaus from a retired couple who'd owned him for over 10 years. We chatted through all the practical, sensible questions and then just as we were leaving I asked them whether the van had a name. They both absolutley lit up and said, 'of course - he's Klaus. A German name for a German van'. Obviously, we had to honour it 😁

·         thealirayHa! Am loving these answers. As you know #mycampervaniscalled Custard. But not just because she is bright yellow. We bought her in Australia where she came complete with her massive ‘Roo Bars’ on the front apparently for driving in the Outback and bouncing Kangaroos off the bonnet. Luckily we’ve only used them for stacking our surf boards but ‘Roo Bars and Custard’ kind of stuck! X

·         ekoearth#mycampervaniscalled Rosie....As, as you imagine she’s red and rosy!
Our biggest journey we travelled Europe in her and the windscreen smashed on the way over to Morocco! So we had to drive back to England with Rosie not rosy and us very cold covered in blankets to get her a new one!!! Oh to be back on the road again..... school and work calls thought unfortunately 🍎

·         jackiegrundill#mycamperiscalled Violet just because.....! She’s a beautiful lady!

·         hippyhelenDoh I forgot the #mycamperiscalled bit..... 🙈 #mycamperiscalled Geoffrey 😂

·         tinafry66We’ve had our red and white type 2 for 15years. We called her Bernice after watching the brilliant film Grand Theft Parsons where a hippy had named his yellow hurst ‘Bernice’ . #mycampervaniscalled

·         ccsiceman1#mycamperiscalled Spencer. My wife works for Marks and Spencer and when she had a share option which she was going to buy a new kitchen with, she bought me a campervan instead and named it Spencer as in Marks and Spencer so I wouldn't forget where it came from.

·         barrydanzig#mycamperiscalled Rusty, for reasons I’m sure you can all understand...and not only is he Rusty and crusty, but his engine is currently dead as a dodo after a rather unsuccessful trip to the West of Ireland (we came home on the back of a flatbed truck 🙈)

·         teri.browning#mycamperiscalled Rrr. When we got married we set off for Scotland in an old escort van with a cheap tent for our honeymoon. Unfortunately, although it was a heatwave in England, it was gale force winds and torrential rain in Scotland. We kept seeing warm dry people in camper vans and we'd go G Rrr when we saw them. Eventually we saved up and bought one of our own. Sadly it kicked the bucket and rolled away this year and has now been Rrrecycled into baked beans tins or something. ♥

·         cachappers#mycamperiscalled Vera. When I bought her, also at2, that was her name and I didn’t like it. Tried a few alternatives but nothing stuck. I figured she was Vera thru and thru! #veradubbin

·         thebeachgypsy#mycampervaniscalled HENDRIX because he wizzes around in a purple haze...!! ✌🏽

·         nationaltrustranger#mycampervaniscalled My T4 was called Dennis, a female Dennis. Full name 'Dennis the snail' 🐌 Not just because she was slow, but because she carried her home (my campervan) on her back 🙂 I think the new owners have kept her name.

·         robynpixie#mycampervaniscalled Van Rouge - our (mostly) trusty and (mostly) red T4 came with the very fitting name - much vin rouge was required on the nights before we insulated it, and much vin rouge by the fire has been enjoyed on the many adventures since 🍷 ☀️

·         hughnomes#mycamperiscalled Myfanwy because we bought her in Wales and my Gran’s middle name was Myfanwy and it just stuck on the way home. We also bought her there, took her there on her first trip and had the most magical day by a beach in the winter with the kids just being grateful we’d ignored all the excel spreadsheets and bought her.

·         deetrailsMy Harvey Flower is a banged up t5 transporter, ex carpenter's van converted into a camper. I feel like I have saved him, a bit like an old dog that noone wants...now, instead of building sites, his life is filled with mountain and forest adventures...and love..️, he has also saved me🤗

·         gwanderer_85#mycampervaniscalled Mr T: he is a T4 and he is cool as much Mr T of the A-Team

·         jenwiseman#mycamperiscalled Arthur. He's a 1974 Riviera. His number plate begins ABW and we were looking for a good A name - our first dance at our wedding was to the theme song from Minder so Arthur after Arthur Daley. His full name is Arthur Barrington Wisevan!

·         kathycobrey#mycamperiscalled Vera by me and Van Percie (after the footballer) by my grandsons.

·         pauladshead#mycamperiscalled Jean Claude (van dammmm) as she breaks down from time to time & also has quite a kick on her... 😬

·         yogarama_uk#mycampervaniscalled called Eric... Because its originally my Dad's and when I was a kid Dad used to tell me stories about Eric the bear. I've later found out the Eric character was based loosely on his stoic headmaster, to represent his cuddly, inner persona. Eric lives on! #ericthevan

·         splamantha#mycamperiscalled Zeek, it’s a VW T5 self converted that off on an adventure to France tonight. It’s named after the author of the book Art of Shen Ku: The First Intergalactic Artform of the Entire Universe. It’s a book full of helpful ways to live life, from nutrition and recipes to tying knots and acupuncture to exercises and sword fighting....all the things you need in a van...look it up, I think you would like it!

·         carobrighton#mycamperiscalled ......
She's kind of had 2....she was named by a friend after a slow run back from Norfolk about 20 years ago with 5 of us travelling....as we hit the M25 on a hill she started laughing and said "Rolls Canardly" (posh, huh?!) "because she rolls down the hills but canardly get up em!".
But then 2 years ago the same friend decided it was time for a name change as we sat in a Lincolnshire field...."Carovan"......I prefer Rolls..!! After 25 years of joy (and tears) maybe she should end up as JT!!

·         transient_transit#mycamperiscalled Harvey. Firstly he's Harvey the RV and secondly it took so long to alter him from his previous campervan configuration that I wasn't sure I'd do it. He was almost imaginary, just like Harvey the big white rabbit, oh and he's white!

·         aaronpbrophy#Mycamperiscalled beep beep named by my kids after getting to the top of the great orme llandudno and the horn getting stuck on all the way back to Manchester 📣

·         73wolfsburgbus73#mycamperiscalled Eddie after the Hawaiian big wave surfer Eddie aikau. I was lucky enough to go to Hawaii a few years ago where I took up surfing, when I got home I went on the search for a bus and found myself my late bay window surf bus. It takes me everywhere Devon, Cornwall, Ireland, wales, Glastonbury festival you name it..
“Eddie would go” 🤙🏼 😎

·         suepanda13Oneday. Because over the last 5 years my husband and I have paid off over 20k in debt. We become debt free at Christmas. Then we can start saving.

·         building154#mycampervaniscalled raraskirt as that's what the the curtains were made of when we bought her

·         kelly_very#mycamperiscalled Troy, it's bizarrely after Troy from Far From the Madding crowd, a book I read for my GCSE English (a lonnng time ago) and was, for reasons I'm not sure of, used as a high brow insult by my friends and I (we're really weren't high brow kids!) back in the day. Why I then adopted it as a camper name, I do not know, it's a bit weird really, but can't change it now. #troyforever #troythecamper

·         wearethebakers#mycamperiscalled Austin - this is our third camper and we always give them a name relevant to how we got them. Austin was resprayed by the previous owner when we bought him - but they hadn’t done the inside and some sign writing was left on the inner back door “D.J Austin” and as a #janeausten fan it stuck... plus getting lost on adventures in him is what we love to do best! #lostinaustin

·         cuzendave#mycamperiscalled crush after the turtle dude in Finding Nemo as it’s big green and always at the beach

·         theblackbirdsnestUnfortunately I don't own one *But* if I did I'd call her "Betsy Bump" ... my beautiful daughter Sonja (who died in 2014) used to call her old car "Betsy Bump" 💕

·         roc.staydeadlyI had a fiat ducato converted to a camper that we called faddy the fiat. Should have been called fix it again faddy haha

·         4gotravelling#mycamperiscalled Vanelope as named by one of the kids, the other option was 'Van Amy' but I think that needed a bit more work 😂

·         dibod21#mycamperiscalled ‘the bus’ very boring I know, we just couldn’t think of anything 🤣

·         makelitterpickingcool#mycampervaniscalled The Maxi-Pad, or just Max for short lol. It’s a Caddy Maxi and it’s like a little chill out pad... and calling it the Maxi-Pad just made us giggle, that was it really haha! @vwmaxipad ☺️☺️

·         therawsoapcompany#mycampervaniscalled Frank, because it is a Frank-en-van. We’ve done so much welding and bought a donor to strip, for those just in case parts, so one of our friends thought it was like Frankenstein of the van world. It sometimes takes the name of the sunshine bus also 🚌 #vanlifediaries

·         this_girl_loves_cornwall#mycamperiscalled our T5 is called Ella, as she cost us a “ell of a lot of money”. She’s our own little engine house and she has Carn Galver on her roof - Cornwall and being in Ella the engine house are our happy places. She’s still costing us a “ell of a lot of money” as she’s going to have her cupboards and kitchen fitted in November. I guess she’s always going to keep costing us a “ell of a lot of money” but we love her and she’s worth it 🚐🧡

·         surfsup_rich#mycampervaniscalled either Nick because the first few letters of the reg place was NYC, but it mostly got christened “The Freezer” for two reasons. Being a split screen panel van it was pretty cool anyway, but it was even colder when we woke up to more frost on the inside of the van one morning than outside of it! And that’s when we realised taking the heater channel out of it was not a good idea after all! 😄

·         sarahandthebearadventures#mycamperiscalled Our VW t25 is called piglet. We have always wanted a t25 and when we saw them on the road we would always get excited. So after we got married instead of buying a house we decided to get our dream van instead. We drove to Wales to see our van after seeing a lot of beaten up old vans we weren't sure if we would ever be able to afford one. When we drove round the corner and saw pig it was instant love we just had to have her. She got her name because we think her front looks like a little piggy and she has a tow bar which looks like her tail that and she jiggles every time you start and stop her. Not to mention she loves playing in the mud on our travels and is always dirty. Piglet is now part of the family and one day our children will be traveling in the back of pig with us as she wiggles down the country roads on the way to adventures

·         kjmurphy1275#mycampervaniscalled Betty. It’s named after my mum who passed away last year. I used the inheritance I received to buy it so me, my wife and young kids continue to have great memories with her involved. Her name was Elizabeth Ann after her mum and she hated the nickname Betty so I called the bus Betty so that I can continue to annoy her in the afterlife.

·         kitbeaumont#mycampervaniscalled Frank. We bought it in a parking lot in Auckland, New Zealand that was filled with campers and travellers all haggling, selling and passing on tips. Shortly after buying Frank we were chatting to two girls who had also been eying him up. They said the seat covers looked like a jumper that an old guy called Frank would wear. The name stuck and we liked it so much that we wrote it on the bonnet with electrical tape!

·         westfalia_digital_nomadsMork @westfalia_digital_nomads , 7 long years full time with him! We bought it in 2012 and the same day we were on the road from Brno to Sofia. At the Serbian border, while waiting, we trow some names and Mork came up, as was familiar for both of our childhood, watching Mork from Ork the TV show! And we’re still rolling!

·         bethan_lo#mycamperiscalled Sebastien after Sebastian Loeb who had little, if any engine failures and few mechanical problems during his rally career, so we thought by naming him Seb, we’d be blessed with the same luck 🤞🏻

·         samanthafarag#mycamperiscalled The Sleigh because my boyfriend thinks he's Santa

·         mrs_jee21#mycampervaniscalled DORIS. A good solid reliable name for a good solid T5, love her and she serves us well; Scotland in winter, Cornwall twice, south of France and not sure how many times to Wales 🤗

·         emily__bd__#mycampervaniscalled KEITH - I’ve never met a Keith I didn’t trust and the trend continues with our trusty steed 💙

·         itsmycocoaWe had The Mighty Gravalax! Totally loved our van but very sadly we had to sell her. The lady who bought her off us stuck flowers all over the outside & renamed her Daisy!! Our Mighty van turned into a flowery thing. It made us even more sad to have to let her go. 😭

·         sam_thephotoGravy, because he was brown.. naturally! 😎

·         triggerstraveltimes#mycamperiscalled Trigger, after trigger’s broom in only fools and horses, it’s had so many new parts but it’s still the same van underneath!!

·         luc_amOur first one (1971 Bay) was called Olive because when we bought her she left a trail of oil behind her (and all over our car which was being driven behind) as we drove home. It was the start of vw fun times. Our second one (1963 splitty) was Yoda for no other reason than his colouring. Currently waiting for number 3 to find us 😊

·         bakeronaboat#mycampervaniscalled WESLEY. not sure now but VWT25 looked like WES when 1st scrawled down and it’s stuck. Same as the Aswan brown !!

·         prettysplittyI think I have all your Camper Van books already 😂 but my T25 is called Spirit because she gets us out in the open exploring where our spirits feel at home.

·         him_john_vanJohn

·         mouhag#mycamperiscalled Bernard Vin Blanc (she’s a white van, could you guess?). Ships were always given women’s names and captained by men, so #mycamperiscalledBernard, like Nursey from blackadder. I have shared captaincy with MrMe and we plan for her to pick up where her predecessor (Dolly) left off and take us back on #theslowroad to rediscover some #wild

·         lighthouse.industries#mycampervaniscalled Rustafari as during chassis restoration we often go dust or rust in our eyes , also there was rust as far as the eye could see . 10 years later van is still going strong for a 50+ year old

·         andrewhartley247Edwin-Van-der-Car. A play on words with the famous dependable, safe pair of hands, Dutch goalkeeper, Edwin Van Der Sar . Plus the fact that the Van was used daily like a car too.

·         dartmoor.swimmer#mycampervaniscalled Bernard. Have you seen the film Stardust? If you have then you get that it's called Bernard because it absolutely does not look like a Bernard. If you have not seen Stardust, why not? (you can usually find it for £3 on the rack in Sainsburys).

·         s.wizzlOur T5 was Iceberg, big and white with some dark spots, cool as, and moved slowly.

·         tattooedandstrong#mycampervaniscalled Ronnie Van Zant #lynyrdskynyrd

·         mabel_the_bus#mycamperiscalled.. My folks called me Mabel. Mouldy Mabel. Mouldy because when I arrived in the U.K. from California, my insides although pretty much original and complete, looked mouldy as my previous owners covered me in disgusting sea green shagpile carpet. I look much cleaner and less mouldy now, so @cupcake_queenie and @esautos (my now owners) refer to me only as Mabel.


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