Coming soon.... the whole adventure on DVD. WIN a copy.

If I had a penny for every time I get asked when 'One Man and his Campervan' is coming out on DVD I'd have about thirty pee by now. I know. It seems that, for some reason, my TV show, which first aired on BBC2 in February 2011, has proved quite popular among campers, dreamers, outdoor lovers and VW fans and drivers. I get lots of tweets and emails from all over the world to say how much they enjoyed it. It's such a nice thing to happen. So thank you everyone.

Now I'm not saying it's cult viewing or anything like that, rather that I appreciate the fact that so many people enjoyed it and want to see it again. Lots of people recently discovered it for the first time on Quest too. The only thing about that was that they had to cut a lot out to fit in the adverts, which meant that some classic moments were missed. My friend Justin, who had all the best lines in the first show, lost his moment to the cutting room floor, as did Steve Bell, from Cookin' Camper in episode 9.

But never mind that. Now that the DVD is about to hit the shelves for the first time ever on the 28th April Justin and Steve will be able to relive their moments whenever they feel like it. That's because it's uncut, unadulterated, unfiltered and unfettered, just the way it should be. There are no extras, commentary or director's cut or any kind of fancy schmancy frills and extra features but what the hell, it's 10 hours of camper vans and cooking.

Send me a postcard. Make me smile. WIN one of four signed copies.

I have four copies to give away, right here in the office. I've also got some aprons and some other bits and pieces, which I shall chuck in there too. 

HOW TO ENTER: It's really easy. Just send me a postcard and make me smile. It could be saucy, cheesy, funny or just from somewhere great. I don't care, just as long as it's a real postcard. I shall choose the best four as the winners. That's it. And yes, you did hear right. A proper, old fashioned postcard. Why? Because it's nice to send postcards. It says so in 'The Camper Van Coast' (page 104). Just remember to include your email address and get it to me by 28th APRIL 2013

Send your post card to:

Martin Dorey (OMAHCV)
c/o The Coach and Horses
Horns Cross
EX39 5DH


  1. Oh, I'm entering the competition (well, I shall get Ian to) but I'm going to have to get the DVD anyhoo... As Ian has his 4th Birthday on 4th of May and well, we all know that lil guy loves 'The campervan Manny' ;) Hope the DVD is a roaring success and the Beeb let you do another series


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