Swimming For The Sea Pool!

Now, you may or may not know that my family and I recently moved to Bude in Cornwall. It's a great town with lots going for it, including an amazing tidal swimming pool. We use it a few times a week and I have recently become a sponsor of the Friends of Bude Sea Pool. This is because it has been under threat since the local council withdrew their funding of it. We love the pool and see it as a vital part of Bude and its tourism-based economy. So I am pleased to be able to post a note for some very dedicated swimmers who are doing a big swim to help save it.

"Next weekend, Rob and Victoria will take part in the Great North Swim, the largest open water swimming event in the UK.  Robert is tackling two miles of Lake Windermere and Victoria will be swimming one mile, both of them in chilly and challenging conditions. And they’re taking on this substantial swim for an excellent cause – the historic tidal swimming pool at Bude in North Cornwall.

Rob and Victoria explain; ‘We decided to do the swim to raise money for FoBSP as Bude’s Sea Pool is a unique training venue for outdoor swimming in the UK.  It is fully lifeguarded in summer  and open all year round, giving great training opportunities for acclimatising to cold water temperatures and swimming in a stunning setting. When we trained there at the start of May the water temperature was only nine degrees!  

‘We heard that the Council stopped funding the Pool two years ago and that the sea wall is in desperate need of repair. So we wanted to help to ensure that everyone can continue to use the Pool, whether for training or leisure.  It is one of only three natural sea pools left in the UK and we would like to ensure it remains open for everyone to enjoy.’
So on 16th June 2013, Victoria and Rob will take the plunge into Windermere on behalf of Bude Sea Pool. Please help them raise as much money as possible by clicking on the link to the FoBSP BigGive page: https://secure.thebiggive.org.uk/projects/view/19724

If you want to send a message of encouragement to Rob and Victoria you can email them on robandvixgreatnorthswim@hotmail.co.uk to let them know you have sponsored them and wish them luck!"


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